Hacker Group Revealed ISIS Secret Bitcoin Address Having $3 Million The terror group ISIS-associated an account on Telegram messaging app, and reply to Anonymous who earlier said that “Biggest Operation Ever” against the terror group ISIS, and the message have been sent out from Telegram channel which is being presumed to be associated with ISIS hackers to sent out powerful reply to Anonymous that they are an idiot and also shared some of the tips to their supporters to avoid getting hacked.

ISIS Calls Anonymous Hackers an “IDIOT” And Notice For Their Supporter

ISIS terror group have released a new video and text messages from Khilafah News: https://twitter.com/GhostSecPI/status/666279630995718144 An individual Telegram Channel Khilafah News have submitted the reply behalf of ISIS terror group, the messages will encourage their supporters and help up those followers from preventing being getting hacked. Anonymous Declares CYBERWAR on ISIS After Paris Terror Attack The list of things ISIS have told its followers to do follows and do not follows rules: The Rules:

Do not open any kind of links unless you are sure from the source. Use VNP and change your IP constantly for security reasons including phones and computers. Do not talk to people you do not know on Telegram and block them if you have to cause there are many glitches in the telegram and they can hack you by it. Don’t talk to people on twitter DM cause they can hack you too. do not use the account having the same email as your username on Twitter

ISIS to make sure that this message should reach each and every corner of the world so their supporters can read and follow the path of Also, ISIS members are spreading the messages all over the Telegram and Twitter to make sure their members should be safe. All this sudden activity and replying the message with only an Idiot explains that ISIS cyber team is not a little bit worried about the entire ISIS members, which are now in danger if any information of current location found or tracked down by hackers so-called Anonymous. And another hacking anti-terrorist group as Ghost Security Group have also warns ISIS that “the war have just begun and we will not let you go freely, it will cost you”.

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Anonymous is much bigger Hacktivist group who have already track down 5,500 Twitter accounts linked with ISIS soon after the campaign launched by the team as #OpParis.


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